My Kentucky Home

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Midway College

Before my cancer diagnosis, I worked at Midway College. According to it's homepage:

"Midway College, formerly the Kentucky Female Orphan School was the brainchild of Dr. Lewis Letig Pinkerton, a young physician and minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Together with James Ware Parrish, the church elder who raised the funds necessary to open the school, they joined with other progressive thinkers to launch a revolutionary educational experiment.
In antebellum Kentucky, the few girls who received formal education were taught to read only because it was considered necessary for their role as mothers. When they reached adulthood, they would read the Bible to their children. Female orphans were rarely offered even this meager amount of schooling. Without education or parental support and concern, the most many could hope for was a lifetime of drudgery as a maid or laborer. The liberal arts curriculum and career preparation proposed by Dr. Pinkerton was a comprehensive solution to this tragic situation, and the benefits reached far beyond the individual girls who attended the school. Dr. Pinkerton’s dream became a reality as Midway-educated teachers went forth to share their learning with youngsters throughout the state and region."

The school has now grown so that it includes the women's college and a non-traditional program (the School for Career Develoopment) geared for working adults (both men and women) who want to complete a BA/BS degree. I acted as an Academic Advisor in the SCD program. I really miss my students. I met some really motivated, interesting people from all over the state from all walks of life. The school recently started an on-line college so that people from all over the United States can now complete a Bachelor's degree on-line without ever coming on campus. You can check out the school at:


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